Coding at the Library

There’s one language we didn’t mention in our post about the language-learning resources available through the library. That language was the language of machines.


There are lots of free programs you can find and play with online to teach yourself the basic concepts involved in learning computer code. Here are some of them: Scratch! (We’ve done library programs on this!) Codecademy! Code Avengers! Literally dozens of them! If you prefer more structure and less teaching yourself, you can also sign up for one of the coding camps put on by Louisiana Women in Technology!

And then AFTER you do all of those awesome things, come back to the library to build your skills.

Here’s our list of things that are free with your library card!

Short videos that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine! Lesson and activity tracking! Daily reminders to help you keep your momentum strong!

Six-week classes! Lessons guided by an instructor! Online interaction with other students!

Instructors are industry experts! Create your own playlists and personalize your learning! Vast amounts of knowledge!

Any one of these sites would be a great way to kick off your journey into the fascinating and kind of weird world of computer programming. You can also use all three together!

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