Learn a Lot with Lynda

Remember Lynda? The online education option with dozens of classes taught by industry experts in the form of video tutorials that you can rearrange into whatever playlist order you want, on subjects that range from photography to how to actually get your Outlook account to cooperate with you?

It looks like this!

Yes! That one!

If you don’t have an account set up already, why not start today? Check out the ten most popular classes for inspiration:

  1. Android Essential Training (2014)
  2. Foundations of Programming: Fundamentals
  3. PHP with MySQL Essential Training
  4. Foundations of Photography: Composition
  5. Foundations of Photography: Exposure
  6. Excel 2010 Essential Training
  7. WordPress Essential Training
  8. MySQL Essential Training
  9. Crystal Reports 2013 Essential Training
  10. Illustrator CC Essential Training (2015)

So many options! It’s a great way to pick up a new hobby, or learn a new skill to impress your boss. And it’s free with your library card!

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