Reference USA

Reference USA offers demographic search tools that are useful for business planning and market research users. Users can find all businesses, or those by a specific Standard Industrial Classification number (SIC), within a 20 mile radius.

When searching the Business section of Reference USA, whether by company name, geographic area – zip code, city, parish, or Metropolitan Statistical Area; or a business type search – Yellow Page Heading or SIC; the detailed listing page provides the user with two additional demographic searching options. For example, if a search is conducted for “grocers – retail” in a specific zip code area, and the user clicks to the detail listing of any retrieved entry, a search option at the bottom of the page allows for additional searching either by all businesses, or SIC within a radius of 1/10th of a mile to 20 miles.

To access Reference USA, click on the Other Databases link located to the left on the Business and Career Connection homepage, use your East Baton Rouge Parish Library card number to authenticate, and select Reference USA from the database list.

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