Red Stick Making Expo

If you like making stuff and doing things, bring the fruits of your labor to the Main Library on April 30th to show them off.


The Making Expo is part of 2016’s Red Stick International Festival, which is so big this year that it happens over two weekends – the dates are April 22nd, for opening ceremonies, video game tournament, and the digital showcase at LSU’s Digital Media Center; April 30th, the Kids’ Lab, Making Expo, and showing of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (all at the Main Library); and May 1st, the Entangled Spaces light show and animation displays at the Louisiana Art and Science Museum.

OB-viously you should check out all the other displays, but you can also set up a demonstration of your very own! You can fill out a sign-up form online to get a table’s, or half a table’s, worth of space. Any kind of digital project, artwork, or experiment that you’ve come up with on your own is welcome – you’ll just need to provide your own technology if your display requires it. (We can probably come up with things like power cords, though.)

If you’ve always wanted to show your stuff, but you’ve never been sure exactly how, this is the expo for you! The library can help – we’ve got 3D printers, Arduino kits for learning basic robotics (teens should join the Robotics Club!), and plenty of online education databases to help you learn how to pretty up your computer programming skills – like Treehouse!

Get making, Baton Rouge!

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