Whether or not your house flooded in August, it can always use a little upkeep. For those jobs that help make your protection from the elements feel a little homier, we’ve got the Home Improvement Reference Center.
Go in to tackle a specific repair, or check out the “Decorating” section for ideas to spruce up your space. If you’ve got more serious issues to address, there’s even a section on how to work with contractors so your house looks the way you expect when they’re gone. There’s also a sample Homeowner’s Journal you can use to keep track of maintenance work you’ve done and make sure you schedule regular upkeep.
As you may know if you have a child under ten, Bob the Builder asks, “Can we fix it?” Bob the Builder tells us, “Yes. We can.” Good skill, people of Baton Rouge!
Thanks, will be having a look at the digital library for some tips!