EDA University Center Workforce Training Topics

The EDA University Center at Southern University will be hosting the following workforce development courses at the Main Library on Goodwood:

  • MS Access (Database): Introduction (2 and half hours)
    This ILT Series course covers the basic skills and concepts students need to use Microsoft Access 2013 productively and efficiently. After an introduction to the Access 2013 environment, students will learn how to plan databases and create tables. Then they will learn to organize fields and records, and to work with data entry rules. They will learn how to create basic queries, and how to work with forms and reports.
  • MS Access (Data base): Intermediate (2 and half hours)
    This ILT Series course builds on the skills and concepts taught in Access 2010: Basic. Students will learn how to normalize data, manage table relationships, and enforce referential integrity; work with Lookup fields and subdatasheets; create join queries, calculated fields, and summary values; add objects to forms and create advanced form types; print reports and labels; create and modify charts; and use PivotTables and PivotCharts.
  • QuickBooks
    This training will be greatly rewarding for individuals/ business owners who want to pay bills, invoice customers, create receipts, and reconcile checking accounts in one accounting book. In addition, the participants will learn how to manage accounts payable and receivable and assets, control inventory, and forecast future sales and generate reports.

Please contact Sung C. No, Ph.D., W.E. Tucker Endowed Professor of the EDA University Center at Baton Rouge, to register for class.
Tel: 225.771-5954
Cell: 225-773-8917

The schedule can be seen below:BTR Main Library Communication 2

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