NOAA Hurricanes
Hurricane Preparedness Week 2006 took place last month (May 21-27) – like sands of the hourglass, so are the days leading to the next tropical storm. Recent history has confirmed what we already knew about hurricanes: that hurricane hazards do come in many forms – storm, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding. Do you have an adequate plan that includes all of these hazards?
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) teamed up with the U.S. Department of Commerce to bring you timely, accurate storm information, forecasting, as well as images, a history of previous hurricanes, dangers during a hurricane, and how a prepare. Let’s try a couple of searches:
Search #1
Logon to the ‘Hurricanes’ website at
Click Search on the top menu bar.
Type your search term – “hurricane preparedness”; click Search.
You’ll retrieve many results; to shorten this list, click Hurricane Preparedness Week on the left-hand menu.
Click the result – Hurricane Preparedness Week on the right-hand list.
Voila! – feast your eyes on how you can secure your home, create a family disaster plan, pet plan, and compile a disaster supply kit.
Search #2 – En Español
On the ‘NOAA’ search page (URL:, click Advanced Search.
To find information in Spanish on the Saffir-Simpson Hurrican Scale, type the phrase “saffir-simpson” under ‘This exact phrase’; choose Spanish from the language drop-down menu; click Search.
Click the result – La Escala Saffir/Simpson para Huracanes to read the description of a categoria cinco.
Note, to a specific phrase, use quotation marks around the phrase. For example: “atlantic hurricane tracking chart”. Notice also that NOAA search ignores capital letters. Saffir-Simpson produces the same result as saffir-simpson or SafFir-SimpSOn.