Kurzweil 3000 Firefly

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of a great new piece of assistive technology at East Baton Rouge Parish Library! It’s a software called Kurzweil 3000 Firefly and it will convert text to speech for webpages and documents on your computer. In the coming months, it will also be installed on library computers at all of our locations.

In order to get started at home, visit the Kurzweil InfoGuide and click on the Using Kurzweil at Home tab. Click the download link for your operating system: Windows or Mac. Follow the prompts to install on your computer. Remember you want to install the “Web License” version. You will need to call the Reference desk at 231-3750 or your local branch to have your account set up.

Not only can you download it to your computer, you can also use the Kurzweil Firefly iOS app for screen reading on the go. You can scan or save files to your account and access them from the Firefly app. There’s also a Firefly Web App which can be accessed by visiting www.fireflybykurzweil.com. Whenever you scan or upload a file, it is available to you to read on your Kurzweil account and you can access it either through the software or by using one of the apps.

For more information, please check out our Kurzweil InfoGuide to learn more about this amazing new technology, available now at your local library.


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