Why keep buying new clothes, when with the ideas in these books you can give them a new lease of life instead? Take a look at these titles and your imagination and wardrobe will be running wild!
Cheap Frills: Fabulous Facelifts for Your Clothes
Chic Sweats: 22 Ways to Transform and Restyle Your Sweatshirts
Generation T: Beyond Fashion : 120 New Ways to Transform a T-Shirt
Hand-Me-Ups: Recrafting Kids’ Clothes with Easy Techniques and Fun Designs
Jeaneology: Crafty Ways to Reinvent Your Old Blues
Little Green Dresses: 50 Original Patterns for Repurposed Dresses, Tops, Skirts, and More
Rip It!: How to Deconstruct and Reconstruct the Clothes of Your Dreams
On September 17, 2pm, bring a t-shirt to the Main Library and join the Young Adult Department as they show you how to make cool altered t-shirts!