Do you wish you knew more about computers, or know someone who could use a little extra help? Send them our way! All branches of the library offer free computer classes for beginners and even pre-beginners. Technology can be a little intimidating, but don’t be scared – we’ve got a class called “Computers Without Fear.”
Need to use a specific program for work and want to pick up some tricks? We’ve got in-person classes on the full range of Microscoft Office products. You can also access Digital Learn from the privacy of your own computer for a refresh on the basics of good internet security and completing tasks online. If you want something more detailed, online classes like, Gale Courses, and even computer programming through Treehouse can be great ways to get really proficient in your computer skills. Check our online calendar or monthly publication, the Source, for classes near you, and start today!
I have forgotten most computer ability! I live close to Jones Creek. Are classes available there? I live on Guymon Ave.
We are currently not able to provide in-person computer classes to patrons. Please keep an eye out for an announcement about Phase 2 of our reopening procedures, in which patrons will once again be able to come into the library at a reduced capacity.
I am looking for a beginner computer class would you please e-mail me at live in the Glen oaks area. Thanks
Will you be offering any beginners computer classes ? If so, what are the dates and times.
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you,
Terri Luffey
I am wondering if you can provide online computer classes , I am very interested in learning more about the use of the computer and the various programs.
Interested in computer classes for beginner
tom Issa
225 2784485