12th Annual Attic Treasures & Collectibles Event

You never know what valuables are hiding in your attic. Those coins you’ve held on to for years could actually be worth something! Our annual Attic Treasures and Collectibles program will be held at the Greenwell Springs Road Regional Branch Library, on Saturday, September 22,  from 9:00am-1:00pm. For further details please call 274-4440.

This popular annual program features local and regional collection specialists, who will identify items the public brings in. These specialists can evaluate  items including dolls, stamps, coins, jewelry, pottery, beads, glassware, general antiques, books, and paintings.

Although some specialists may feel qualified to offer monetary appraisals on items, the program is intended to offer only identification and evaluation.

To give everyone a chance to have their items looked at, there is a limit of three items per person.

We also have books on antiques, collecting, restoring, and appraising. Check the catalog or ask at the Reference desk!

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