Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers

Black Quotidian is an excellent resource for anyone interested in African American history and culture. Each day, a newspaper article from that date in history is posted from sources like the Atlanta Daily World, Baltimore Afro-American,Chicago Defender, and Philadelphia Tribune, along with summary of and short commentary on the events discussed or the period in history from which the article is taken.


While the articles tend to have a focus on historical events, particularly when the date has historical significance, curator Matt Delmont also includes human interest pieces on everything from beauty pageants to homecoming dances. The project is intended to bring attention to the depth and variety of information available through African-American newspapers and to encourage their use in the classroom. Articles are posted as PDFs and include any photographs published with the original issue.

Black Quotidian is a fascinating project worth investigating by anyone with an interest in history, culture, or journalism, particularly that with an African-American focus.

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