Brian Ter Haar
Owner/OperatorThe MailBag/Goals & Poles Sport Court of South Louisiana
7575 Jefferson Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein
Brian Ter Haar graduated from Louisiana State University in 1982 with a degree in Business/Marketing. Brian Ter Haar is a deacon at University Baptist Church. He is one the board and the CFO of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, an organization that raises awareness, money, and research for the disease Alopecia Areata, an auto immune disease which cause partial or complete hair loss is children and adults. His is a small business owner of four operational enterprises – The MailBag, Goals & Poles,, and Sport Court of South Louisiana.
The MailBag was established in 1982 and is located at 7575 Jefferson Hwy in Baton Rouge. It is a full service mail and parcel center offering UPS, Fed Ex., DHL, and USPS shipping service. They are one of the top private shippers for UPS in the country. The MailBag also offers black and white and color copies and packaging service, Post Office box rental, and a free parcel pick up service, as well as full service direct mail department along with personalized mailing lists.
Goals & Poles was established in 1981. It is the largest installer of residential basketball goals in the state of Louisiana with over 5,000 installations. They also sell and install commercial basketball and volleyball systems to schools and parks. is an online site that sells residential and commercial basketball and volleyball equipment.
Sport Court of South Louisiana provides installation of backyard basketball, tennis and volleyball courts. They also sell and install Sport Court modular floors for schools, community centers, and churches.
I started the Mail Bag and Goals & Poles about the time I graduated from LSU in 1982. I saw a need for both services and I went out to fill that need. Sport Court is an extension of the products that we offer with Goals & Poles.” says Brian Ter Haar. “I enjoy the opportunity to meet and provide a service to people in the Baton Rouge area. With Sport Court we custom design their courts, which gives us a great opportunity to work closely with families and greatly enhance their quality of life.”
In his spare time, Brian Ter Haar enjoys spending time with his family. They frequent the library for the extensive resources offered. “I have two children – four and thirteen – so we are constantly using the numerous resources the library has to offer. My four year old is just starting to read, and almost every book he reads now is from our local library. My 13 year old uses the library for research and her summer reading list. My wife and I use the library for research and of course to check out our favorite books,” says Brian Ter Haar. “My favorite books are the ones I check out with my four year old and biographies I check out for myself. My favorite magazines are Forbes, Consumer Reports, and Sports Illustrated.”
“As for Baton Rouge, Brian Ter Haar believes that Baton Rouge’s economy and future are as strong as anywhere in the country. “With leadership for Mayor Holden I am very optimistic about our future.”