Take advantage of free, individual, legal counseling sessions offered by the Pro Bono Project of the Baton Rouge Bar Association. Area attorneys will be available for confidential, one-on-one, 15 minute sessions for legal advice on a first come, first served basis at the Main Library on Saturday, October 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Experts will be in the areas of Business (Collections, Consumer Transactions, Insurance Disputes, Sale/Purchase), Criminal (Felony, Traffic, Misdemeanor, Juvenile), Education (General), Employment (Unemployment Compensation, Discrimination), Family (Adoption, Custody/Visitation, Property Settlement, Divorce, Support), Malpractice (Medical), Real Estate (Litigation, Property Transfer), Torts (Negligence, Product Liability), and other specific areas of law. For more information, call (225) 231-3746.
We purchased a mobile home a year ago this month. There have been two water leaks requiring repairs. One was before we were even moved in and required replacement of damaged wall sections. The second was just recent and was the sewer system leaking requiring new pipes and new insulation under the mobile home. Do we have any rights with regard to the lemon law? We have legal shield and have been told they have a page limit per file so they want to refer us to a local attorney with a 25% discount. If I could afford the regular fees of an attorney I would never have signed up for legal shield. James Stanley with Provosty, Sadler & DeLauney, APC could not tell me whether I have any rights in this situation.
Please help!
I am still working but my husband is on SSI I don’t know what the income limit is to qualify for pro bono assistance.
For more information about free legal advice through the Ask a Lawyer Program, please contact the Baton Rouge Bar Association at (225) 344-4803. You can also apply for pro bono legal services through the Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Corporation by calling (855) 512-3980 or (225) 448-0080, or by filling out their online form.