Music Online now offers “Send-to-Mobile” functionality for its Opera in Video collection as well as its streaming music collection. Opera in Video can be sent to your iPhone or Android device for on-the-go viewing.
To find streaming opera, click on Music Online or Opera in Video. Identify the opera you want and look for a cell phone icon (“Send-to-Mobile”) next to the title. Wherever you see that cell phone icon you can click it and get a “shortlink” to send and enable playback on your mobile device; the link is active for 48 hours.
There are several ways to send this link. You can:
* Send a text message to your mobile device.
* Email the link to your email address, which you can pick up on your mobile.
* Enter the link URL manually into your mobile’s web browser.
* On supported devices you can scan a QR-Code directly from your computer screen. You will need to download a QR-Code reader application to do so.
At this time, this functionality is supported on:
* Apple iPhone on 3G network or better
* Mobile Device with Android OS
(Please note that some issues were encountered with widescreen videos on DVDs with multiple works. These videos do not work in mobile streaming so the cell phone icon does not appear for them. This affects about 5% of Opera in Video titles.)