October 20Somethings Events

Here’s the line-up of 20Somethings events planned this month. Want more info? Head over to our 20Somethings Facebook page!

Get Your Game On! If you enjoy video and board games and are looking for a way to meet other game enthusiasts ages 18-30ish, join us at the Main Library at Goodwood tonight, October 14, and Tuesday, October 28, at 6 p.m. to play board games such as Settlers of Catan and 7 Wonders and video games such as Rock Band and Minecraft.

Halo Day: Sometimes you just need to kick back and enjoy an aw20somethings coloresome video game. Come to the Baker Branch Library at 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 25, and get together with other 20-somethings to chill out with Halo on the Xbox.

Crafternoon: Wire-Wrapped Jewelry  Come hang out with other 20-somethings at the Main Library at Goodwood at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 19, to create wire-wrapped marble necklace pendants and button flower rings. All supplies provided.

We had a great time at Horror Movie Night last weekend and we have one more Halloween-themed event coming up:

‘Buffy’ Buffs Night  Are you a “Buffy” Buff? Then head over to the Main Library at Goodwood at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 23, to test your knowledge of all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We’ll be playing a trivia game covering all seven seasons of the popular television series.

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