Tutor.com Mobile App: Tutor.com To Go

Hey Teens!  You do just about everything from your mobile phone — why not your homework?  Now you can with Tutor.com To Go.

This new mobile app, now available in the Apple App Store, gives you mobile access to Tutor.com’s library of 9,000 online lessons, worksheets, videos and test-prep resources anytime, anywhere.  And this is just the first release!

In early 2011, Tutor.com will introduce the ability for you to connect to an online tutor for a homework review session from your iPhone or iPod Touch (the devices more teens use). And they expect to develop apps for additional smart phones and devices in the future.

So download the Tutor.com app and try it out.  It’s free.

Don’t have a smartphone? Fear not, you can use tutor.com on your computer.

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