Louisiana Music Hall Of Fame

Celebrate our state’s rich music culture by visiting the website for the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame (LMHOF). On the site are interesting biographies of some of our greatest musicians, who have been officially recognized and inducted. Hall of Fame artists such as Louis Armstrong, Fats Domino and Mahalia Jackson. Many genres are represented from zydeco, to soul, to rock and roll.

In the Galleries Musique section of the site there are hundreds of videos. These include Hall of Fame induction ceremonies, interviews and live performances. There is also a streaming radio station to get your feet moving to some Louisiana classics.

2 thoughts on “Louisiana Music Hall Of Fame”

  1. How do you Induct someone into the La. Hall of Fame?

    I have someone that I would like to induct!
    He and his Band!!!
    Michael Noto and his Band Stormy!!!
    They have been together for 40 years playing all over the United Stated !!!
    They are an excellent Cover Band and can play any song that you name!!!

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