Just in time for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library’s 75th Anniversary and the Library’s
celebration of all things historical that make up Baton Rouge, we will be hosting the 14th Annual Attic Treasures & Collectibles Event at the Main Library at Goodwood this Saturday, November 22. Now’s the time to raid your attic, closets, and garages for that interesting or antique art, toy, pottery, jewelry, rifle, war artifact, small piece of furniture, or other item of interest and see what the story is behind it and possibly what its value might be.
The free event will run 9 a.m.-1 p.m. this Saturday. Come for the antiques viewings, but stay for several other big events going on at the Main Library that day (more on that on our website and this blog later this week)! There is a limit of three items per person. Experts including Jack and Ann Hood – Jewelry; Bill Lee – Paper and Advertisements; Laurann Marino – Louisiana Gold and Coins; Pauline Robertson – Native American Items; Florence Crowder – General Items; Danny Brown – Civil War/ Military items; and Mark Denham – Armaments will be on hand to look at your collectibles and antiques. Call 231-3750 or visit our website and Facebook page for more information. Don’t forget to check our antique resources like the p4A Antiques Database (as used by the Antiques Roadshow), our Antiques InfoGuide, and the library catalog too. See you Saturday!