Hang on to your hats, friends – this could get bumpy.
This Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th and 11th of November, the library will be updating our system software (the thing that lets us keep track of books and all our other resources). Unfortunately, since the same system keeps track of all our patron information, your library card numbers aren’t going to work on anything you’d normally be able to use from home.
You can still check out books and DVDs from any of our brick-and-mortar locations, as long as you have your actual library card with you – we won’t be able to look up any of the numbers. Or whether or not any books or DVDs are on the shelf. Or…anything.
Everything should be back to normal by Thursday, but until then, please be patient with Overdrive, Freegal, The Criterion Collection, Alexander Street Music, Screening Room, Zinio, Atomic Training, Indieflix, FastPencil, and any other databases that require you to log in with your library card even when you’re in the library; it’s not their fault.
They’ll come back soon!