If you’ve built up some fines, but know that the library is awesome and incidentally a great way to save money that you can use on your loved ones (you can check movies out for free!), December is your time to give back to the community while you get back the use of your library card.
With Food for Fines, every non-perishable food item you bring in gets you one dollar off your library fines. Non-perishable foods include:
- canned vegetables!
- canned soups!
- dried beans!
- canned meats!
- flour!
- rice!
- peanut butter!
- pasta!
- corn meal!
- cereal!
- protein bars!
- and so on!
The program starts on December 1st, ends on December 30th, and will entirely benefit the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank. Let’s go!