Kaye M. Buhler, LMT
Kaye M. Buhler Holistic Massage Therapy & Skin Care
5055 Capitol Heights Ave # B
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
“The highest result of education is tolerance..”
– Helen Keller
“Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right you claim for yourself.” – Robert Green Ingersoll
Kaye Buhler offers massage therapy and skin care treatments in a private, peaceful atmosphere. She is licensed by the state of Louisiana as a Massage Therapist and Esthetician/Cosmetologist.
Buhler worked as a hairdresser for nearly 8 years after earning a cosmetology degree from Lockworks Academie (now Aveda Institutes). She later studied esthiology at the Christine Valmy International Institute of Advanced Esthetics in New York, one of the first schools established in the United States to offer students European style and skin care techniques. Buhler sought additional training through Dermalogica in California and Texas for advanced European style, as well as aromatherapy, holistic esthetics, and spa therapies.
Extended hours of teaching and working behind the chair as a professional hairdresser caused Buhler to suffer neck and shoulder strain, so she began regularly seeking, and benefiting from, massage therapy. This led to her true calling. She wanted to be able to offer others the same beneficial healing and relaxation. She studied Massage Therapy at Blue Cliff College. She has practiced as a licensed massage therapist for 14 years; as her own boss, for 12. “I enjoy helping others feel better about themselves, assisting relaxation, and providing a stress free environment,” Buhler said.
Intrigued by the movements of a belly dancer she once saw perform in Colorado, Buhler discovered her second calling, Middle Eastern Dance, which she has been practicing for 9 years. Dancers traditionally take a Middle Eastern name; she has chosen Noura, a feminized version of the Arabic word Noor, which means light, but also in homage to her grandmother named Nora. In 2000 she joined Middle Eastern Dance Artists of Louisiana (MEDA-LA), a nonprofit social club organization formed in 1980. She served as vice president and president of MEDA-LA at one time. In 2002 she helped found Bayou Shimmy, a dance studio which offers a plethora of belly dancing classes (some of which she teaches) and meditation workshops; it also boasts a traveling dance troupe, with whom she performs at festivals and events. For more information on MEDA-LA and Bayou Shimmy, you may visit their official websites: www.meda-la.com and www.bayoushimmy.com.
Her other interests include cooking, reading and playing with her dogs. “I love to try new recipes and am learning Middle Eastern cooking,” Buhler said. She often reads Cooks and Gourmet magazines. She subscribes to two dance journals, Zagharett and Habibbi, and to The Chronicles, a magazine of American culture, as well as Saudi Aramco World. When not reading dance & movement books, Buhler enjoys mysteries and historical fiction. She’s currently reading a non-fiction book about the women of Islam, which was recommended by a friend.
When asked if the library had played a role in her life, Buhler replied that libraries are crucial to furthering one’s education and can help you become better and smarter in your chosen field. “Librarians are awesome people,” she added.
The favorite quotes that Buhler chose for the beginning of her profile reflect her interest in learning about different cultures, embracing multiculturalism and encouraging tolerance of differences between people. When asked to comment on the future of our city, Buhler spoke in favor of ethnic diversity saying, “I’d love to see the various cultures in Baton Rouge grow and flourish.”