We are pleased to announce a new resource for finding legal forms. Gale LegalForms is a great place to locate commonly used forms on a variety of topics such as standard leases, divorce forms, bills of sale and many others. This is a very user-friendly resource and the forms are specific to Louisiana. You can use the popular subjects highlighted on the front page, browse all the subjects in alphabetical order or find forms using a keyword search. Most forms are available to download in Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format for easy editing and printing. Additionally, forms are categorized by common keyword searches like “LLC dissolve” or “wills with people with adult children.” This is helpful if you are unsure of the correct search terms to use.
Forms available on Gale LegalForms include forms drafted by attorneys for a particular legal matter, forms from public records and participating companies and attorneys. Federal and state tax forms are also available in this database. These are collected from the IRS website and various state websites. As with any of our legal information sources, this resource is for informational purposes and you should consult an attorney or law library for serious legal questions or concerns.